
Safeguarding is at the core of everything that we do in school. All children know that they have the right to be safe at all times. At St. John Vianney, staff know that safeguarding is everyone's responsibility. We are committed and proud of the safe and secure environment we have created for children, staff and visitors.
All pupils know that every adult in school is there to help them. They also know that there are specific people called Designated Safeguarding Leads in school who have particular responsibility to keep them safe.  
As such, we have a number of Designated Safeguarding Leads in school, as shown in the posters below. These posters are displayed in every classroom and around school.
The Designated Safeguarding Leads are:
Mrs Thorpe - Headteacher
Mrs Meldrum - Deputy Headteacher
Mrs McDine - School Business Manager
Mrs Spencer - Assistant Headteacher
Miss Cherry - Assistant Headteacher
Mrs Watanabe - SENDCo
Mr Bell - Link Governor
Mr Smith - Chair of Governors and Link Governor
These members of the school's senior leadership team have a range of responsibilities including:
  1. Creating and maintaining the best culture for Safeguarding
  2. Raising awareness of safeguarding with all members of the school community
  3. Implementing the school development plan in relation to safeguarding
  4. Working with outside agencies
  5. Protecting all children from abuse and maltreatment
  6. Preventing harm to children's health or development
  7. Ensuring and enabling all children and young people have the best outcomes.
If you have any concerns or further questions, please do not hesitate to contact one of our Designated Safeguarding Leads on 0191 2672233 or
We also have a group of pupil Safeguarding Champions who contribute to our policies and procedures in school.  They help disseminate information to their peers and their voice forms an integral part of our school life. During the Summer term, our Safeguarding Champions played a key role in the production of our child-friendly Safeguarding Policy, which is shown below.
Our Safeguarding Champions work with our Designated Safeguarding Leads to ensure that everyone feels safe and happy at St. John Vianney and their voice is heard. They lead on many Safeguarding initiatives and play a key role within school.
At St. John Vianney, we always seek children's voice whenever we review or implement any new systems. Pupil's individual voice is sought on all personalised safety / care plans, SEN Support Plans and risk assessments.
       JANUARY                              FEBRUARY                              MARCH

15th – Online Safety Assembly

See PSHE Curriculum Map


Dog Safety workshops in school


16th – Y2 NSPCC Pants Workshop


18th – Konflux Drama Group: AntiBullying Play in a Day (Y5)


5th – 11th - Children’s Mental Health Week

Online lessons & activities provided


7th – Safer Internet Day

Online lessons & activities provided

See PSHE Curriculum Map


Dental Nurses in school



18th – NSPCC ‘Speak Out, Stay Safe’ assemblies for each class


See PSHE Curriculum Map


CAFOD Lenten Family Fast Day



The Internet hosts many opportunities for our pupils to learn and explore and, as a school, we acknowledge the use of technology in pupil learning. However, we encourage our pupils to spend their time online safely.
The following websites offer a wealth of information to help you protect your child and keep them safe online.
  1. THINKUKNOW - provides a full website for parents and carers, supporting them in understanding and responding to the risks their children may face as they grow. The site covers a broad range of issues from online safety and sexting, to what to do if you think your child is being groomed online.
  2. UK's SAFER INTERNET CENTRE -Provides a wealth of tips, advice, guides and resources to help keep your child safe online.
  3. CHILDNET - is an interactive resource to help young people identify the possible risks of social media.
  4. National Online Safety Information Posters - The posters below offer guides and summaries to the most popular games and apps so you can be fully informed about the potential risks associated with each platform.
Throughout the year, we send families useful information and links on how they can keep their children and themselves safe through our Friday Newsletter. Some of the links we have included are:
  1. Clever Never Goes - This link takes you to a new campaign to teach children how to stay safe from abduction whether they are outside or online. 
  2. Talking Pants - This link takes you to the NSPCC's friendly dinosaur, Pantosaurus, who can help you talk to your young child about keeping themselves safe and private.
  3. Online Safety - Ensuring you have the correct parental controls in place is vital to ensure your child is as safe as possible online. The following link will take you to a site where you can choose your device and apply parental controls.
  4. Your Own Mental Health - As a parent or carer, taking care of your own mental health is important. If you need help or support, you can contact NSPCC's helpline on 0808 800 5000 or email Alternatively, click on the link here.
  5. Prevent Radicalisation and Extremism by Acting Early - The police protect vulnerable people from being exploited by extremists through a Home Office programme called Prevent. If you are worried someone close to you is expressing extreme views or hatred, you can visit the NSPCC website and the Act Early website for further information or call the Prevent helpline on 0780 0011 3764. 
We have included a number of information sheets to help you keep your child safe.
Please do not hesitate to speak to one of our Designated Safeguarding Leads for further advice or support on any of the issues outlined.
St. John Vianney is an Operation Encompass school. The purpose of Operation Encompass is to safeguard and support children who have been involved in a domestic abuse incident. Following an incident at home, Newcastle Council, the police and nominated key adults in school will work together to make sure that school staff are made aware of an incident early enough to support fully those pupils in school.
For further information, click on the link. 
If you have any concerns or further questions after reading these statutory documents, please do not hesitate to contact one of our Designated Safeguarding Leads on 0191 2672233 or
The Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) is the person who should be notified when it has been alleged that a person who works with children has:
• Behaved in a way that has harmed a child, or may have harmed a child;
• Possibly committed a criminal offence against or related to a child; or
• Behaved towards a child or children in a way that indicates she or he may pose a risk of harm to children.
What does the LADO do?
The LADO manages allegations or concerns about professionals or adults working or volunteering with children. The LADO will have management and overview of cases from all agencies when the criteria is met; give advice, guidance and information to Senior Managers; monitor the progress of cases in a timely and confidential way and ensure the consistent thorough application of the policies and procedures in organisations. The LADO is the single point of contact for all agencies, statutory, private or voluntary sector, to discuss concerns and make referrals that meet the above criteria.
Anybody who has concerns about professionals or volunteers working with children should inform the LADO within one working day. If you have immediate child protection concerns contact Northumbria Police 999; or Children’s Social Care, Initial Response Service, 0191 2772500; Children’s Social Care, Emergency Duty Team on 0191 2787878 outside of office hours.
For more information or to make a referral contact Melanie Scott, LADO, 0191 2774636
NSCB Website: