Ofsted Report

Some highlights from our 2024 Ofsted Report


St John Vianney Primary School prepares pupils to be confident, lifelong learners. It effectively supports pupils’ social and emotional well-being, which ensures pupils are ready to learn.

There is a consistent and fair approach to behaviour management.

Pupils have great respect for the adults that support them. They trust these adults to keep them safe.
The staff who lead curriculum improvements are passionate, knowledgeable and equipped to develop their subjects further.

The school prioritises the teaching of early reading from Nursery. As a result, most pupils can read at an age-appropriate level.

Pupils enjoy mathematics and talk enthusiastically about it, as a result, pupils’ outcomes at the end of key stage 2 are positive.

Pupils confidently talk about their learning as it happens in lessons.

The school is highly ambitious for pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).

The practitioners in the early years support children to develop a love of learning. The school supports children to be resilient, capable and self-assured learners.

The school’s programme to develop pupils’ character and citizenship links closely to their Catholic ethos and values. Staff sensitively nurture and reassure pupils to boost their self-esteem and confidence.