Head Teacher Welcome
I am so very proud to welcome you all to St John Vianney Catholic Primary School. The school stands in its own self-contained grounds, incorporating both an external purpose-built Upper Key Stage 2 (UKS2) teaching block and a 52 place Nursery attached to the existing main building.
Our school is renowned for offering pupils a rich and all-encompassing education where the talents of every child are valued and nurtured from whatever their starting point is.
We welcome all our pupils and their families in joining with us to develop and expand our mutual Catholic family. At the heart of the school is our Mission Statement.
Through following Jesus, we aim to be a caring, happy school, where everyone is valued and appreciated and can reach their true potential. We hope to act justly, love tenderly, and walk humbly with our God.
All our pupils are nurtured in a family community where Christ and the Gospel values of love, trust, acceptance, tolerance, and respect are at the centre of everything we do. Our overarching aim is to ensure that our pupils recognise that each one of them is unique and special in the eyes of God; we encourage the pupils to recognise that they all have ‘God given gifts and talents’ and they are called to make the world a better place.
We are proud of our happy school where over 97% of pupils report that they ‘love’ attending school and would recommend it to others. We want all our pupils to reach their true potential and as such all the staff work closely together to nurture and celebrate all of our children’s talents.
Our school aim is to inspire and challenge our pupils in every area of the curriculum, our school has a learning environment created by our staff which is based on mutual respect, understanding and love. The staff at St John Vianney work tirelessly to create a caring, happy, friendly, and supportive place, where every child has the opportunity to develop spiritually, socially, emotionally personally, creatively and academically.
At St. John Vianney, the core of what we do is to ensure that the pupils within our school truly reach their full potential in all areas of their learning. As a school we truly understand and value the importance of our partnership with our parents, our parish, and our wider Trust family too. With Fr Damian and Fr Paul, Carmelite Friars, the links between church and school are the cornerstone which enables us to ensure we nurture every aspect of a child’s growth, development and learning journey. Faith is at the heart of what we do, “I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full” (John 10:10).
Together, as one family, we work together to create positive, lasting relationships that ensure our pupils remember school as a vibrant and exciting place of learning. St. John Vianney is a place where all pupils can fully explore their own spirituality and develop their knowledge and skills in all curriculum subjects. This includes the core subjects of RE, English, Maths and Science, alongside the wider curriculum of PE, Modern Foreign Languages, History, Geography and Creative and Expressive Arts.
Every child in our school community is respected as a unique individual. In partnership with parents, we aim to build upon and develop a wealth of experience and skills in the hope of creating a caring and stimulating environment, which lay the catholic foundation stones for every child’s education. We recognise their entitlement to a broad, balanced, differentiated, and enriched curriculum and as such pupils are always encouraged to look back at previous learning, contextualise it with hat they are currently learning and then recognise the impact of what they have learned.
Our pupils are the beating heart of our school, and we are so very proud of each and every one of them. We never forget the great privilege we have in working to help them grow and learn spiritually, academically, and socially in partnership with our families, parish, and Trust communities. Together we are one family.
Our school vision and mission
Through following Jesus, we aim to be a caring, happy school, where everyone is valued and appreciated and can reach their true potential. We hope to act justly, love tenderly, and walk humbly with our God.
At St John Vianney Catholic School we aim to create a stimulating and caring school community in which every child is encouraged to reach their full potential. We do this by celebrating and developing all of their God given talents and championing them to become the very best version of themselves, in preparation for the next stage of their lives.
Our school aims:
- To create a happy, friendly and supportive learning environment in which every child can fully develop spiritually, intellectually and socially.
- To provide a calm, safe and stimulating environment for every child to thrive, learn and feel valued, through our Ready, Respectful, Safe behaviour policy.
- To encourage every child to develop their faith journey, ensuring that the Gospel values of love, trust, forgiveness, respect and grace are at the centre of everything we do.
- To set the highest expectations for all, removing all ceilings of expectation, within a rich, innovative and engaging curriculum.
- To prioritise the physical and emotional well-being of pupils and staff at all times.
- To ensure that all staff have the opportunity for on-going professional development to support them in their delivery of quality first teaching, using a mastery approach to teaching and learning for all.
- To work in partnership with our families, staff, governors and wider parish community, creating and solidifying an inclusive family ethos and approach to pupil and family well-being. School offers a welcoming open-door to everyone offering a sense of belonging to all those who enter.
St John Vianney Catholic Primary School